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Adopted and Effective: Wednesday 1/11/2023
This is the Policy on the Use of School Bathrooms of Learning Gate Community School,
Inc. (the “School”). This policy is implemented to comply with the requirements of Rule 6A10.086, Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, and other relevant laws. This
policy shall at all times be construed in accordance with state and federal law and shall supersede
and replace any prior adopted policies related to the subject matter addressed herein.
1. Policy. It is the policy of the School that all multi-occupancy bathrooms on the
School’s campuses shall be separated based on biological sex at birth. Students, school personnel,
and visitors are required to utilize multi-occupancy bathrooms that correspond with the
individual’s biological sex at birth. All single-occupancy bathrooms will be designated as genderneutral and may be utilized by any person regardless of their biological sex at birth. In enforcing
this policy, school personnel may reasonably rely upon representations made or documentation
provided by the parent or guardian at initial enrollment, or such other records available to the
administration. In the event of any inconsistency in a student’s records, the administration reserves
the right to request additional documentation from the parent or guardian to verify the student’s
biological sex at birth. This policy shall also apply to any lockers rooms or dressing rooms on the
School’s campuses.
2. Privacy of Information. In carrying out this policy, school personnel are required
to maintain the privacy of all educational records as set forth in Section 1012.22, Florida Statutes,
and to respect the privacy interests of all students and parents.
3. Parental Notification. A copy of this policy shall be made available on the
School’s website and incorporated into the School’s Parent & Student Handbook to fully inform
parents and guardians.
Board Secretary Certificate; I hereby certify that the foregoing Policy on the Use of School Bathrooms was adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the Governing Board of Directors at a duly noticed meeting held on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
Adopted and Effective: Wednesday 1/11/2023
This is the Policy on the Use of School Bathrooms of Learning Gate Community School,
Inc. (the “School”). This policy is implemented to comply with the requirements of Rule 6A10.086, Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, and other relevant laws. This
policy shall at all times be construed in accordance with state and federal law and shall supersede
and replace any prior adopted policies related to the subject matter addressed herein.
1. Policy. It is the policy of the School that all multi-occupancy bathrooms on the
School’s campuses shall be separated based on biological sex at birth. Students, school personnel,
and visitors are required to utilize multi-occupancy bathrooms that correspond with the
individual’s biological sex at birth. All single-occupancy bathrooms will be designated as genderneutral and may be utilized by any person regardless of their biological sex at birth. In enforcing
this policy, school personnel may reasonably rely upon representations made or documentation
provided by the parent or guardian at initial enrollment, or such other records available to the
administration. In the event of any inconsistency in a student’s records, the administration reserves
the right to request additional documentation from the parent or guardian to verify the student’s
biological sex at birth. This policy shall also apply to any lockers rooms or dressing rooms on the
School’s campuses.
2. Privacy of Information. In carrying out this policy, school personnel are required
to maintain the privacy of all educational records as set forth in Section 1012.22, Florida Statutes,
and to respect the privacy interests of all students and parents.
3. Parental Notification. A copy of this policy shall be made available on the
School’s website and incorporated into the School’s Parent & Student Handbook to fully inform
parents and guardians.
Board Secretary Certificate; I hereby certify that the foregoing Policy on the Use of School Bathrooms was adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the Governing Board of Directors at a duly noticed meeting held on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
Adopted and Effective: Wednesday 1/11/2023
This is the Policy on the Use of School Bathrooms of Learning Gate Community School,
Inc. (the “School”). This policy is implemented to comply with the requirements of Rule 6A10.086, Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 1014, Florida Statutes, and other relevant laws. This
policy shall at all times be construed in accordance with state and federal law and shall supersede
and replace any prior adopted policies related to the subject matter addressed herein.
1. Policy. It is the policy of the School that all multi-occupancy bathrooms on the
School’s campuses shall be separated based on biological sex at birth. Students, school personnel,
and visitors are required to utilize multi-occupancy bathrooms that correspond with the
individual’s biological sex at birth. All single-occupancy bathrooms will be designated as genderneutral and may be utilized by any person regardless of their biological sex at birth. In enforcing
this policy, school personnel may reasonably rely upon representations made or documentation
provided by the parent or guardian at initial enrollment, or such other records available to the
administration. In the event of any inconsistency in a student’s records, the administration reserves
the right to request additional documentation from the parent or guardian to verify the student’s
biological sex at birth. This policy shall also apply to any lockers rooms or dressing rooms on the
School’s campuses.
2. Privacy of Information. In carrying out this policy, school personnel are required
to maintain the privacy of all educational records as set forth in Section 1012.22, Florida Statutes,
and to respect the privacy interests of all students and parents.
3. Parental Notification. A copy of this policy shall be made available on the
School’s website and incorporated into the School’s Parent & Student Handbook to fully inform
parents and guardians.
Board Secretary Certificate; I hereby certify that the foregoing Policy on the Use of School Bathrooms was adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the Governing Board of Directors at a duly noticed meeting held on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
For more information or specific inquiries about our board meetings, please contact us.
K-6th Hanna Campus
16215 Hanna Rd. Lutz, FL 33549
7-8 th Lutz Lake Fern Campus
207 W Lutz Lake Fern, Lutz, FL 33549
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