The LG23

Our LG23 creates a culture of respect that allows all our students to be themselves and explore opportunities they may never have had in a different setting. Every classroom, office, and student space must have a copy of the LG23 posted. In each classroom, administration will be looking to see that students are standing when answering questions or talking, encouraging their classmates, and following the LG23. Each month, five students from each grade who exemplify these characteristics are recognized in the Fab 5 announcement, celebrating their commitment to the LG23 values.

S.E.I.G.E.: Strive for excellence, Inspire others, Engage in learning, Give respect, Establish purpose.


K-6th Hanna Campus

16215 Hanna Rd. Lutz, FL 33549


7-8 th Lutz Lake Fern Campus

207 W Lutz Lake Fern, Lutz, FL 33549

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