Welcome to Learning Gate Community School. Our mission is to promote academic excellence, community service and environmental responsibility through family and community partners. With your help this can be achieved!
Learning Gate Community School was founded on the belief that “Nature is our Best Teacher”. At LG, our learning environment is not limited to a four-walled classroom but uses the natural world to enhance and expand the positive experiences our students are exposed to. Using a rigorous and relevant curriculum, students are encouraged to engage in meaningful learning experiences. They are provided with numerous opportunities for hands on activities and exploratory learning. Teachers integrate environmental topics throughout all subject areas and inspire children to develop their creative thinking.
When visiting the campuses at Learning Gate Community School, the sense of family and community is evident. Parent volunteers can be seen providing guidance during class in the organic garden, helping to oversee students bird banding while in their <link to Environmental Education page>Environmental Education class or monitoring and interacting with students in the cafeteria. Parent and community members will often share their expertise with the students, providing them with very unique learning opportunities.
At Learning Gate, students are held to high expectations. Using the LG53 as a roadmap, students are encouraged to be the best they can be!
Learning Gate offers school tours at designated times throughout the school year, keep an eye on the home page of the website for upcoming dates.
Michelle Mason, Principal
K-6th Hanna Campus
16215 Hanna Rd. Lutz, FL 33549
7-8 th Lutz Lake Fern Campus
207 W Lutz Lake Fern, Lutz, FL 33549
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